So, you want to know who this Slug character is and where he came from? Well sit back and I'll tell you a tale that you will never forget...
Slug is a name I received one night when I was sleeping over at my friend Parker's house. There were no sleeping bags or beds to sleep on, so I took the floor. Little did I know, but some of my friends were up to no good. I should have known better, because the entire night we ad been up to all sorts of mischief. Well anyways, I quickly fell asleep in the wee hours of the morn, curled up in a blanket on the floor. Soon, two of my friends, Brian and Ben, stumbled upon me in my respite. For some strange reason ( I guess they thought it would be funny ) they took my blanket away from me as I slept, causing me to be somewhat sprawled out on the carpeted floor. Placing a half eaten apple near my mouth caused Bowis ( Brian ) to exclaim "He looks like a slug!" And thus, word is born. I know not what other worldly events transpired in the moment when the words were released from his mouth, but I do know that a legend was born. One which would last for years to come. A simple nickname in a tight group of friends. Most of us have nicknames actually. Would you like to meet them? Come on in and I'll show you around... come on... don't be shy...
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