Contact |
 09/26/2002 >>
Welcome! This site is a result of my own having collected quite a few photos (mainly digital), stories, links, and other items relating to the East Broad Top Railroad and it's environs. I have set up this site as a place to share these photos and items with the public. As of today, the first day of the site, there is really no content. I have much going on these days, but I hope to slowly add pages, stage by stage. My first exploit will most likely be a collection of photos from 10/26/2001. I also have some photos from Rockhill Furnace North to Mount Union, and some stories/journal entries to post. Stay tuned!
09/28/2002 >>
Today I have added some links to the Links page. This is an ongoing process and will increase as I find more to add and organize. I've also added contact info to the Contact page. Drop me a line and let me know what you think!
11/12/2002 >>
I've added text and images for the 11/09/2002 FEBT Rockhill Restoration Work Session. See the Photos section. Check them out and let me know what you think!
04/04/2003 >>
I've added text and images for the 03/15/2003 FEBT Rockhill Restoration Work Session. See the Photos section. Enjoy!
08/19/2003 >>
I've added text and images for the 05/03/2003 & 06/23/2003 FEBT Rockhill Restoration Work Sessions. I also added some old photo collections I have had for a few years and haven't had a chance to put online: 10/27/2001- My first EBT visit, and 2/2/2002- Mount Union exploration. See the Photos section. I've also added some more links in the links section.
11/03/2003 >>
New photos from the 11/1 work session in Rockhill Furnace, you can find them in the Photos section
02/21/2004 >>
New photos from the 2/21/04 work session in Rockhill Furnace where we continued repairs to Caboose #28. You can find them in the Photos section.
05/27/2004 >>
New photos from the 05/23/04 work session in Rockhill Furnace in the Photos section.
11/22/2004 >>
Photos from the 11/07/04 work session in Rockhill Furnace posted in the Photos section.
04/11/2005 >>
I created a brochure about the EBT. You can download it here. It is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, 496 K..
All text & images © Benjamin Sullivan Site last updated 04/11/2005 |