Boiler room wall repair. |
152K  |
Car Shop doors, after repainting. Preparing to paint window frames. |
129K  |
Generator room w/ new roof, soffit and fascia installed. Some paint has been applied. |
138K  |
Pat Coleman painting repaired window & door frame entrance into main shops. |
106K  |
Jim Bacon doing some repairs to the brick & mortar around the door into the boiler room. |
143K  |
The Steam generator, now with protective tarp removed. (It's not needed because now the roof doesn't leak!) |
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Tom Kozub inspecting the room, preparing a list of materials for the reconstruction of the celing, walls and hardware. Hopefully next season this will be completed and be one of several "showcase" items the FEBT has worked on. |
109K  |
Caboose #28 is on the list to receive a makeover getting new sheathing and other wood parts that are in need of replacement. This caboose sees service every operating day on the RR so it could use some attention. |
107K  |
Don Dissinger (at his first work session) is repairing one of the large windows on the long car shop wall facing the main line. This is the first of 7 windows that was last tended to by the FEBT back in 1986. |
111K  |
Lee Rainey & Wade Woodcock are working on the shed at the end of the yard, suring up the walls inside. |
164K  |
Another shot, different angle. You can see the new interior bracing installed by the FEBT to sure up the structure. Upon original inspection it was found that this building had no studs holding the walls up - they were simply nailed to the floorboards. Not too sturdy. With the new bracing this building will stand for many years to come. For a pic of how the structure looked in 2001 (prepare to be shocked) CLICK HERE! |
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The restored section shed, now with handcar! This is one of the first projects the FEBT began in the last couple years of work sessions. Click the link in the previous photo description for a pic of this structure in 2001! |
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Another shot of the section shed, showing more of the interior. You can see the areas where new wood replaced old, rotted wood. |
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Across the tracks from the shed, standing on the main, you can see a stranded string of hoppers. The track they are on actually proceeds underneath the giant pile of dirt to just in front of them. This pile is the result of failed timber cribbing (some of which is visible on the side of the hill). Eventually this will need to be cleaned up, the cribbing replaced, and these hopper cars freed! |
206K  |
Another view, slightly closer. Note all the spare track parts on the right. Lots of interesting stuff here. |
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The concrete coaling dock. Interesting this was last a couple weeks ago when the front end loader broke down and the RR needed to load coal into #14. It still works, believe it or not. There used to be a shed covering the top of the dock, which was removed many years ago due to deterioration. The track that runs directly beneath the coal chutes is the same track the hoppers are on in the previous photos. |
171K  |
Wade & Lee are measuring and installing beams. |
154K  |
The exterior, w/ some of the new siding. |
166K  |
This is the interior of the coal dock. Poured concrete with many lofts and shelves inside. There is a lot of stuff in here, and the structure (to my untrained eyes) looks pretty sound. |
104K  |
Another interior shot. |
109K  |
Here is a shot looking into the left side door (laying on the ground in front of the camera). |
117K  |
Rockhill Furnace yard. Note those shiny white windows along the car shop! Imagine the rest of the shops like that - it's on the way! The hopper in the foreground is forever teaching us how the EBT repaired hopper cars. It's got new sheeting on it, bolted in a few places, ready to be riveted. Unfortunately it never got the attention it needed and continues to wait for Rosie to show up. |
134K  |
Some hoppers out in the woods on the East side of the yard, oustide the wye track. These are parked on the track which used to hold some of the passenger cars, as there was a wooden shed at the end. The shed is long gone but stubs of the posts still remain. |
155K  |
Shawn Stauffer (Right) and others are working (hard) on leveling out track #3 in the yard. This track has been renovated by the FEBT over the last several summer & autumn sessions. This involved marking, digging out and replacing old, rotted (sometimes nonexistant!) ties, spiking and now leveling the 350' track through the yard. This is good practice for the FEBT and is nice for the EBT too! This passing track has not been functional in many years and now will be for some time to come. |
164K  |
Jim Bacon now working on the exterior of the boiler house doorway, clearing out some debris in preparation for installation of new bricks. |
141K  |
Tom Sullivan (my Dad) doing some window painting on the Westernmost car shop door. |
90K  |
Dad painting. |
86K  |