Main Shops entrance. Got a makeover! Original "SMOKING PROHIBITED" sign was removed & preserved, this replacement was installed and a vintage thermometer was reinstalled to emulate one that was there many years ago. Windows have been refinished and a fresh coat of paint applied. This is what the FEBT works so hard to achieve! |
A closeup of the new thermometer & sign. |
Over to the Lumber Shed, Lee Rainey is up on the roof making repairs to the sheathing while Dave Phillips assists from the scaffolding. |
Lee utilizing one of the FEBT roof ladders. |
In the South end of the yard is one of the last RIP cars on the EBT. This one was in the midst of receiving new panels when the EBT went under. The panels are affixed in some places with bolts ready for rivets that never came. |
For the Fall Spectacular this year, the EBT allowed a stretch of track to the South cleared for speeder rides. This is a view that hasn't existed for probably 40+ years. The hope is that this clearing will continue and track will be upgraded to allow for more use of this dormant section of the EBT. |
Another view looking South towards Robertsdale. Pretty cool! |
Another view of the RIP hopper. You can easily see the bolts here holding the "new" side sheets on, ready for riveting. |
Another FEBT project this past season was brush clearing in the Rockhill wye. These hoppers were completely obscured from view by trees and undergrowth for many, many years. Clearing the brush allowed the train crews to see around the curve better and revealed these cars to most folks who probably never knew they are there. Railways To Yesteryear is to the left, inside the wye. |
The Lumber Shed roof repairs have been completed in the spot where Lee was working in the previous photos. Original panels were fastened with screws to protect the materials beneath. This is a temporary fix, as this shed needs some serious attention, as you will see. |
Roof of lumber shed. Note light rail in the rafters. Some debate ensued later in the day as to whether or not the structure is wholly original or built from the remnants of another structure. The construction is very interesting with trusses supported by wood posts, some are whole tree trunks. |